Once upon a time there were three little pigs and they lived with their mother.
A few years later they got older. The mother said to them “Move out of home because you are
getting too old”. So they did. They had to build their houses because they had no money.hey
went looking for their materials.
The first pig went to go and build his house out of straw, but the big bad wolf came and said to
to the pig in his house “Be my dinner or I will blow your house in”.
“No’’ said the first little pig. “Not by the hairs on my chinny chin chin I will not let you in’’. So he huffed and
puffed and blew the pigs house in. Then the first little pigs house got destroyed.
The second pig set off to build his house out of wood . He started to build his home and when
he finished he thought it looked amazing. But guess who came? It was the big bad wolf.
“Be my bread for supper or I will blow your house down’’. “No’’ said the second little pig. ‘’Not by the hairs on my chiny chin chin I will not let you in”.
He took a big breath and he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house in.
The third little pig went to get bricks to build his house, it took him all day to build his house . He had to use cement to make his house stay together
otherwise it would fall. When the third little pig finished his home he went inside to sit by the
fire and enjoyed a hot cup of hot chocolate. There was a knock at the door it was his two brothers they warned him about the wolf
The wolf came and said “Be my bacon or I will blow your house down’’,
He huffed and he puffed and he blew the house, but it wasn’t destroyed
He tried again and again but it still wasn’t destroyed so the wolf thought about it’’ I will climb in
through the chimney’’ The second little pig said put a pot of hot water on the stove and the wolf jumped
down the chimney and fell into the hot water they quickly shut the lid down from that day on no
one ever saw the wolf again .
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